Fernando Bignardi
Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of São Paulo (1980). Masters degree in Homeopathy, Psychosomatics psycotherapy, characterology Reichian and horsetherapy. As well as in Geriatrics and Gerontology, Behavioral Medicine and Integrative Care UNIFESP.
He is currently coordinator of the Center for the Study of Aging, Department of Preventive Medicine by UNIFESP, where, besides the epidemiological research on aging, has been developing line of research in the application of Transdisciplinary Health Care It is Lecturer and Consultant in Medicine, Corporate Sustainability and Quality of Life. He worked in companies such as Natura, Ara Cruz, Caixa Economica Federal, Alcoa, BM & F, SESI, SEBRAE, etc..
It was featured in the cover story in magazine “This is about Meditation Medicine” for his work at the Center for the Study of Aging for the results obtained with the use of meditation as a tool for healing.
I first met Fernando briefly last year when we both lectured at the quantum health conference in Recife, Brazil. I met him again at the quantum conference in Granada, Brazil earlier this year and have since established a very strong friendship with him. He has shown a deep interest in BodyTalk and in particular the concept of it being consciousness-based, as this is a subject he is very strongly interested in. Fernando has opened many doors for me in Brazil especially in the academic world. He has considerable influence in medical education at the federal medical college in São Paulo. Through his contacts and the respect everyone holds for him, he has opened up many opportunities for BodyTalk to be heard.
Several of the co-presenters at the conferences had expressed a strong interest in learning more about my work. Particularly the principles behind it, and the philosophy and science. Renata invited a group of these scientists to a dinner at her house during my visit to Brazil earlier this year. I had a very enjoyable evening discussing many aspects of healthcare and philosophy with a group of brilliant doctors and scientists who were so open to learn and asked such good questions. I also demonstrated an advanced BodyTalk treatment on one of the participants who had quite severe health challenges and responded dramatically on the table. They all expressed an interest to know more, so through Fernando and Renata, I arranged to do an intensive special presentation over a few days to a small group of scientists when I went back to Brazil a month later. The presentation went very well and I really enjoyed it because I was able to just focus on the big picture rather than individual techniques etc.
Fernando then arranged for me to give a lecture at his university. He arranged for many of his students studying consciousness work in healthcare to join as well as many of the faculty of the university in medicine, psychology and sociology. I was given three hours for the talk and had a really fantastic time. The auditorium was packed, and the response was overwhelmingly good. I discussed the general principles and philosophy of BodyTalk and spent time explaining the way it was developed as an extension of events in my life.
Many of the people attending has since signed up to study BodyTalk and indicated they want to learn the whole system. In the meantime, I was approached by several different professors about further studies and research. Fernando and I continue to meet and have found so many common understandings about what is necessary for the future of healthcare. I am really looking forward to continuing to work with Fernando in the future both as a colleague and good friend.
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