The Dai Mai meridian is one of the eight ancestral meridians that have a very important function in traditional Chinese acupuncture as regulators of the 12 main meridians. As mentioned in my Chong Mai article, the reason they are called ancestral meridians is that they are the main energic controllers of our genetic ancestry. Hence, they are a powerful way of influencing genetically based diseases in the body from the point of view of traditional acupuncture.
Many colleges and courses on Chinese medicine do not address the ancestral meridians because of the lack of understanding of how they function, and a fear that treating them directly may have adverse epigenetic effects. It is true, that if addressed carelessly by the untrained practitioner using acupuncture needles, some nasty side effects can occur. However, when they are addressed using advanced BodyTalk formulas, they can give rise to incredibly powerful results without any fear of side effects. This is why I have included them in my new "Eastern Medicine" course.
The Dai Mai is the only Meridian that goes around the body rather than up or down the body. The main functional pathway of the meridian pathway circles the body starting at the level of the third lumbar vertebrae, it then dips lower as it goes around to the front of the body so that in the front of the body it usually passes midway between the pubic bone and the umbilicus. In other words, it wraps the body like a belt would on a person with a big stomach. This has particular significance with this Meridian because of the fact that one of its main functions is the balance the upper and lower parts of the body.
When the Dai Mai is dysfunctional it appears as though the "belt" tightens. This will eventually lead to an energic splitting of the body between top and bottom, which can result in major changes in body shape, usually, but not always, gender related.
Women: In a severe case, the woman from the waist up will appear thin and undernourished. The breast will be physically small, or, if they were originally large, they will have lost great deal of volume and tone. From the waist down the hips and legs will be large.
Men: The opposite will occur with men. From the waist up they will have a large belly, chest, and shoulders. From the top of the hips down they will be skinny and appear undernourished and the legs will be thin and weak. A healthy Dai Mai plays a large role in influencing healthy Qi and blood circulation to the legs.
When the changes are this dramatic, it usually means the person will have quite strong epigenetic disorders. These usually involve the digestive system - particularly the liver and gallbladder. There will be poor digestion of fats, and a very strong tendency to violent headaches – especially migraines. Typically, coupled with the migraine, will be a form of psoriasis. If untreated, the psoriasis will often develop into psoriatic arthritis. Certain varieties of Type 2 diabetes are also common.
Energetic issues involving the Dai Mai can manifest in a person "near to tears" from frustration, indecision or low self-esteem (All typical liver and gall bladder behaviors). People with Dai Mai issues tend to repress their emotions and can easily develop psychological complexes requiring a careful therapeutic approach.
When the appropriate BodyTalk formulas are applied to the right acupuncture points associated with this Meridian, the results can be very significant.
I remember the case of a 33-year-old female architect who I recognized as a classic Dai Mai body type when she first walked into my office. She was very thin in the upper body right down to the waist, and had very large hips and thighs, with a great deal of stress in the face indicating she was suffering from quite serious symptoms.
I remember the case of a 33-year-old female architect who I recognized as a classic Dai Mai body type when she first walked into my office. She was very thin in the upper body right down to the waist, and had very large hips and thighs, with a great deal of stress in the face indicating she was suffering from quite serious symptoms.
In fact she was so ill that the specialist looking after her indicated to her husband that her life was in danger over the next decade. She had type II diabetes that was proving very hard to control because the insulin levels swung so dramatically. She also had severe migraines at least three days every week, and she was asthmatic. She also had polycystic ovaries, several small fibroids of the uterus, was not ovulating, and was told that she would never be able to have children.
When the Dai Mai was addressed, the quickest response occurred with the migraines, which totally disappeared within 2 months. Her asthma improved at least 60%, and her type II diabetes was able to be stabilized, and greatly reduced as far as symptoms were concerned. The fibroids and polycystic ovaries totally cleared up and she gave birth to a healthy boy 15 months after her first session.
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